Member of Parliament for the Meedhoo constituency, Rozaina Adam, has criticized the speaker of parliament, Mohamed Nasheed, by saying that those who deliberately put their own interests first are dictators.

Rozaina stated that the Committee in the parliament is run without following the rules and regulations.

“When South Thinadhoo constituency MP Hassan Mugnee said that the Committee should establish its duration, like a dictator, the speaker refused to do it, saying it cannot be done, and didn’t give Mugnee another chance to speak,” Rozaina said.

Rozaina stated that if the Speaker does not know that the Committee can finalize decisions of the parliament only after voting, then the secretariat should explain to him.

“If he put his own interests first deliberately, then I’ll have to say he’s a dictator,” Rozaina added.

Rozaina had stated even yesterday that Mohamed Nasheed is the most totalitarian speaker of parliament in the parliament’s history.