Masha Midhath   28 March 2021 - 09:49 PM
UK eases lockdown while eying nervously at a new virus surge inundating its European neighbors.

From Monday, it will be replaced in England with a message to stay local. People will be allowed to meet in groups of six outdoors and can resume outdoor sports such as basketball, tennis and golf. The other parts of the UK – Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland – are taking broadly similar steps. In Wales, thousands of people poured onto beaches and beauty spots on Saturday, after the authorities lifted travel restrictions that have been in place since December.

But most nonessential businesses remain closed, along with pubs, restaurants, gyms, cinemas, theaters, museums and sports stadiums.

Meanwhile, Stephen Powis, medical director of the National Health Service in England, urged people to continue to follow the rules and limit contact with others, saying the easing “does not mean job done.”

The UK has recorded more than 126,000 Covid-19 deaths, the highest toll in Europe.