President of the 76th Session of the UNGA, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Maldives, Abdullah Shahid. (Photo:Xinhua)
President of the 76th Session of the UNGA, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Maldives, Abdullah Shahid. (Photo:Xinhua)
President of the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Maldives, Abdullah Shahid has said that youth participation and consultation are essential in addressing and overcoming global challenges.

He stated this in his address on the occasion of International Youth Day. The UN General Assembly President said that youth comprise 16 percent of the world's population. Reflecting that today’s youth make up the largest youth cohort in human history, Shahid said their interest and expectations are equally high.

“Their passions and inspirations are equally large in scale. They demand to be heard and we owe it to them to listen and include them in shaping the world they will inherit.”

Referring to the findings of the 2022 global youth index, Shahid said that many young people are not getting the adequate support they need. Many young people feel marginalized and excluded, he said.

“The post covid landscape has further exacerbated the issue of the disconnect between our generation and the next, with many of our youth twice in the various challenges they face due to ageism. These obstacles Not only limit their opportunities and ability to succeed but also broadly hinders the success of our world.” Shahid said.

Shahid also highlighted that while young people are showing great interest in helping to solve global challenges, their voice is not heard and discrimination carried out due to age will greatly hinder future progress. He then called upon the global community to address this intergenerational rift.

“This year I call upon the global community to address this intergenerational rift to embrace an attitude of listening to the perspectives of all ages so that we can have a richer and deeper understanding of the challenges experienced by all members of our communities. By listening to one another, by tapping into the freshness of thinking an innovation of youth will be able to craft better policies,” said Shahid.

“Involving young people in decision-making is essential for economic growth, peace, and security. Together let us work towards building intergenerational solidarity and ensure that we are creating a world for all ages. Engaging youth, creating a space for them, and giving them a seat at the table should be the new normal.”

International Youth Day is commemorated every year on 12 August. The theme for this year's International Youth Day is Intergenerational solidarity: creating a world for all ages.