(R) Alhan Fahumy, (L) Ahmed Siddheeg
(R) Alhan Fahumy, (L) Ahmed Siddheeg
Former Deputy Minister of the Home Ministry, Mr. Ahmed Siddheeg says that the former parliament member Mr Alhan Fahumy’s introduction of prostitution to the politics has ended the fundamentals of the political party system.

Mr Alhan Fahumee has tweeted criticising the opposition campaign ‘India Out’. in his tweet, he used a photo of the president of PNC, Mr Abdul Raheem along with caption ‘Adhurey out’. He has also said that, rather than calling for ‘India out’ the opposition should raise voice on encouraging a better investigation of former president Mr Yameen being out of the position.

In reply to Alhan, Mr. Ahmed Siddheeg tweeted that Mr Alhan Fahumee does not have the competency to be elected for a mayor of the Male’ city and accused him of introduction of political prostitution which has ended the fundamentals of the political party system.

Mr Alhan Fahumee responded to Mr Siddheeg, defining him as an unimportant person in the political industry. Mr Alhan continued to mention that it is worrying to see acceptance of ‘sudo politics’ in the Maldives. He questioned whether people whose views, beliefs and thoughts are stuck in one place can show way for independence.

Mr Alhan Fahumee is well known as a person who changed the most number of political parties in the Maldives. He is also included within few people who openly raises concerns over the political parties. Alhan is also the first person to change a political party while elected to the position as a member of the parliament. During his time in politics, so far he has been a part of DRP, MDP, JP and PPM.
Alhan did apply for a member at the parliament in the recent election, but unfortunately he was not elected. But he has announced his candidacy to compete as the mayor of the Male’ City council and has been campaigning for his candidacy.