Masha Midhath   26 September 2020 - 01:28 AM
5 people reported positive to Covid-19 in G.A Maamendhoo. Positive people includes a 20 day old baby and a 4 year old toddler as well.

As per Maamendhoo island council, 7 people arrived to Maamendhoo on the 13th, and 5 people were reported positive. They were in home quarantine when the test samples were taken.

Maamendhoo council further said that a 29 year old man, 76 year old man and a 22 year old man is positive from the Island, meanwhile; a 30 year old female and a 63 year old female is positive so far from the island.

Maamendhoo council also reported that they are working with the Health Protection Agency (HPA) to transfer positive high risk critical patients to covid treatment facility in G.A Villingili.

So far from G.A atoll, positive people were reported in 2 islands; G.A Maamendhoo and G.A Villingili.