Masha Midhath   16 October 2020 - 09:12 PM
Finance Minister Ibrahim Ameer and Foreign Minister Abdulla Shaahid meet with the Chinese Ambassador to Maldives Mr. Zhang Lizhong.

The discussion was held on the support required in economic recovery following the Covid-19 pandemic.

Following the meeting, Minister Shaahid assured that China is ready to support the Maldives and China will support the economic recovery in different perspectives.

Following the meeting, the Chinese Ambassador to Maldives Mr. Zhang Lizhong referred to the meeting as a positive effective meeting. He then gave his assurance to support the different sectors of the Maldives.

Meanwhile, government officials have been openly criticizing China and even recently Minister of Finance, Fayyaz Ismail is seen calling the trade agreements between China and Maldives, for not having a benefit to the Maldives.