Masha Midhath   20 September 2020 - 08:48 PM
Dr Ahmed Shaheed
Dr Ahmed Shaheed
During the press conference, Dr Ahmed Shaheed stated that September 1st and 2nd week showed results of positive impacts on the guidelines set by the Health Protection Agency (HPA).

He elaborated and said that HPA has been monitoring the changes shown every week, and the current changes seen in September 1st and 2nd week show more positive impact than the last month. He also said that last month showed 18-20% people positive from the flu clinic, but this has been minimised and maintained at 13% within this month. Dr Shaheed also added that the August bed occupancy was also dropped from 80%, and during this month they have increased the bed capacity as well.

Looking back at the total score given for the last month after monitoring the epidemic weekly, Dr Shaheed confirmed that the last month's score has dropped in the first 2 weeks of September. Dr Shaheed emphasised that it is too early to confirm the changes these numbers showing that we are back to normal, although the numbers are maintained lower.

Further to the statistics achieved, he highlighted that we all should be working to maintain the numbers lower. Dr Shaheed also said that the guidelines set by HPA is not a permanent solution, rather a preventive measure taken to live in the new normal.