Maldives Police service patrolling Male' City
Maldives Police service patrolling Male' City
The Health Protection Agency (HPA) of the Maldives announced ease of restrictions on vehicles on the road between 8pm to 10pm.

As per HPA, the restrictions on vehicles on the road between 8pm to 10pm in the greater Male’ area, have been uplifted. However, curfew remains the same from 10pm onwards till 5am in the greater Male’ area.

Addressing to this, Maldives Police service have said that they will be patrolling the greater Male’ area during the curfew time, and if anyone is found disobeying the guidelines, for a first time Police will be advicing then, but if repeated they will be fined, and if repeated for a third time, their vehicles will be towed.

The signed statement by the Director General of Public Health Ms Maimoona, was released tonight, announcing the ease of restrictions on vehicles on the road between 8pm to 10pm, from Saturday onwards.