"India Out" campaign, lead by the opposition political party PPM. Photo: PPM/Twitter.
"India Out" campaign, lead by the opposition political party PPM. Photo: PPM/Twitter.
The Government of Maldives has strongly rejected the attempts to spread false information through media and across social media platforms, using the “India Out” slogan, alleging that bilateral cooperation between the Governments of Maldives and India undermines the national security and sovereignty of Maldives.

In a statement today, the Government reaffirmed that the country’s long-standing ties with all its international partners are based on principles of mutual respect and understanding, and in accordance with respective national and international law. Such interactions in the international sphere do not, and will not undermine the Maldives' independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity. In fact, they are designed to enhance the Maldives’ national interests and deliver for the people of the Maldives.

The statement further raised concerns that false allegations regarding ties with one of the country’s key bilateral partners are misguided and unsubstantiated. The Government firmly believes that these views are not the sentiments of the general public, but rather that of a small group of individuals with the objective of tarnishing the country’s long-standing cordial ties with India.

The strong bilateral relationship between the Maldives and India is based on shared historical and cultural ties, matched by dynamic people to people contact. India has always been the Maldives’ closest ally and trusted neighbor, extending constant and consistent support to the people of Maldives on all fronts.

The cooperation and support provided by the Government of India, specifically on issues of maritime security, is aimed at strengthening the strategic partnership between the two countries and ensuring the safety and stability of the Indian Ocean region. Support provided by India, in areas such as search and rescue capabilities, casualty evacuation, coastal surveillance, and maritime reconnaissance, directly benefit the Maldivian people. The Government of Maldives has also established partnerships with other countries in similar areas of cooperation, to enhance technical and strategic capacities.

Addressing the ever-growing threats of trans-border terrorism, piracy, narco-trafficking as well as non-traditional security threats such as climate change, cyber security, and human trafficking, requires the support and cooperation of all regional and international partners. No one country alone can address these issues on its own.

The Government of Maldives urged all parties to act responsibly, and refrain from spreading false information that undermines the country’s relations with its neighbors, and the international community. The Government also urged media outlets to fully commit to professional standards of journalism in reporting such information.