President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih on Sunday met with members of the Dhaandhoo Island Council of North Huvadhu Atoll.

The meeting was held this afternoon at the President's Office, where the council members expressed their gratitude towards President Solih’s administration, noting that the island is currently seeing numerous developmental initiatives, unlike what was seen during past governments.

The council members shared with the President the most pertinent needs and concerns of the residents of the island. Some of the topics discussed at the meeting included the need for housing finance, the relocation of the powerhouse that is currently in a residential area, challenges facing fishermen due to service interruptions at the ice plant, and the installation of lights on the football ground that is under development.

Discussions also focussed on space constraints at the school following the introduction of higher secondary education, the need for improved banking and healthcare services, and the people's wish for a transshipment harbor in Huvadhu Atoll. The council members also praised the administration’s efforts at women's empowerment.

Speaking with the council members, President Solih shared the progress and latest updates on the ongoing and planned developmental projects for the island. On the topic of housing finance, the President spoke about the administration’s "Gedhoruveriya" national housing loan scheme, introduced earlier in June 2021 as part of the government’s pledge to introduce nationwide affordable housing options. He further assured the council members that the government would seek ways to address their concerns.

Yaugoob Abdulla, the Member of Parliament for Dhaandhoo Constituency, accompanied the council members at the meeting.