Masha Midhath   24 October 2020 - 07:54 AM
(Right to Left) Gassan Maumoon, Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom and Hussain Shameem
(Right to Left) Gassan Maumoon, Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom and Hussain Shameem
Following Gassan Maumoons tweet on the occasion of Youth day, Parliament member Hussain Shameem (also known as Andhun Hussain) tweeted, accusing his father of killing many young people under his presidency.

On the occasion of the National Youth day, Parliament member Gassan Maumoon tweeted stating, that the government of the Maldives has failed to safeguard the identity of a whistleblowing youth, contrary to their rights, protected under the Whistleblower Protection Act.

For which, Parliament member Hussain Shameem tweeted saying, that its shame on Gassan while his father, former President Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom, has brutally beaten up and killed young people in his presidency.

For which, Gassan had a strong comeback, questioning why the ruling party or the government has not pursued legal avenues if there is an ounce of truth to Hussain Shameem's claim. Gassan defended his father denied the accusation of Hussain Shameem to his father.

Gassan has defended his father on similar accusations from the ruling party MDP. Meanwhile, Gassan had stayed silent for the brutality faced by his family during the administration of former President Yaameen Abdul Gayyoom, when Gassan's father, brother, and his brother-in-law, were imprisoned.