Ibrahim Naufal (Ibu)   22 November 2022 - 03:55 AM
Responding to what Mohamed Nasheed said in the Parliament today, Finance Minister Ibrahim Ameer has stated that saying Maldives is going bankrupt is not something new.

Former president and current Speaker of Parliament Mohamed Nasheed said in the Parliament today that the state's Foreign Currency Reserve is running low. He said that it would be a great deception for the people if MPs speak in the Parliament in ways that suggest otherwise while there is not enough in the reserve for essential needs for the coming weeks and months. Nasheed said that he wants to ensure if there is enough in the reserve to buy oil and staple foods.

Responding to what Nasheed had said, Ameer stated that various people are talking about this with political agendas, with the intention of weakening the government. And that in additon to this, they want to blur and muddy the achievements the government has made despite all impediments.

"By the will of Allah, Maldives has overcome COVID and is among the top developing economies. In 2020, along with COVID, we faced a much worse crisis than today, with bigger obstacles," said Ameer.

Praising the work of President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, Ameer said that under his leadership, COVID was overcome. But he noted that there still are issues.

"There is no attempt at hiding it. All statistics are available for all to see," Ameer said.

Ameer further said, "Despite the obstacles, under the government's policies, we are crossing them".

As such, Ameer said that the government is taking steps to manage the issues caused by the war between Russia and Ukraine.

"In this situation, making bad predictions about the economy to create fear while in positions of responsibility, is a sad thing being done for a political agenda. By Allah's will, the economic future of Maldives is well," said Ameer.