Ibrahim Naufal (Ibu)   05 December 2022 - 01:22 AM
President of the Elections Commission Fuad Thaufeeg has stated that a date for the coming 2023 presidential election will be determined within this month.

According to the law, the opportunity to run for presidency should be present 120 days before the swearing in of the President.

Fuad has stated that work is now being done on organizing a timetable for the election work. And that it will be complete before the end of this month.

Fuad added that this time around easier ways to register for the votes will be provided. Instead of applying with printed forms, this time one can register using phone while being anywhere.

For the coming presidential elections, the Parliament has passed a budget of MVR 90 million. However the Elections Commission has stated that MVR 120 million would be spent on the two rounds of the election.