Ibrahim Naufal (Ibu)   06 December 2022 - 04:02 PM
Feydhoo MP Mohamed Nihad has stated that former President Mohamed Nasheed had said that he wants to change the governance system to get into power.

Nihad said this attacking Speaker of Parliament Nasheed's claim that in the 2018 presidential election MDP had included changing the governance system to a parliamentary system in the manifesto and that parties in the coalition had agreed to it.

Nihad said that in the coalition manifesto there is no mention of a governance system shift.

Nihad, who belongs to President Solih's faction in the divided MDP, alleged that Nasheed had stated in the MDP National Council that he had wanted to be away from the ecstasy of power but he could stay away only for a few days.

"President Nasheed said very openly that therefore he wants to do it (get in power) by changing the governance system. It might not be clear to those who weren't in the National Council," said Nihad.

Nihad stated that 'parliamentary system' is a type of governance system and various nations of the world have variations of it. Nihad asked therefore which version Nasheed wanted.

"Even if it's said it is the righteous governance system, it's not clear. Today's Maldivians won't support without knowing what it is," said Nihad.

MDP president Mohamed Nasheed has stated that the coalition had agreed to take a vote on the governance system issue 18 months after MDP came into power, with it included in the manifesto. And that in the 2018 election, the biggest promise made to MDP members was changing the system but the promise has still not been fulfilled.

Nihad has denied this claim, saying that the government is implementing the 2018 manifesto that was made public then and it does not include anything abour governance system changing.