Masha Midhath   23 December 2022 - 11:51 PM
President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih met on Friday with the community of Dhaandhoo Island in the Gaafu Alifu Atoll, where he assured them of the administration’s commitment to addressing their concerns. The meeting was held at the Dhaandhoo School.

The President is on Dhaandhoo Island as part of a three-island tour of the atoll. Speaking with the community members, the President highlighted that fishing was the mainstay of the island and spoke about the administration’s efforts to address the concerns of fishermen across the country. He assured that the administration would resolve most of the concerns of the fishing communities within the next two to three months.

The residents of the island also shared with the President their concerns. Topics discussed at the meeting included the need for a housing project, a boat yard, and challenges facing the fishing community in selling their catch. The residents also noted the need for an airport, tourism development, creating job opportunities, upgraded healthcare services, road development, and improving the conditions of the school.

Speaking with the residents, the President assured them of the administration’s commitment to finding amicable solutions and addressing their concerns.

Afterward, President Solih visited the healthcare center on the island, met with the management and staff, and inquired about the healthcare needs of the island community. He also called on some patients at the healthcare center, which offers 24-hour services.

Dhaandhoo Island is President Solih’s first stop on his visit to Gaafu Alifu Atoll. He will travel to the Nilandhoo and Maamendhoo Islands on Saturday. A high-level government delegation is accompanying him on the visit.