Ibrahim Naufal (Ibu)   09 April 2023 - 09:56 PM
Male' City Mayor Dr. Mohamed Muizzu has requested the government to listen to the Male' City Council.

Muizzu said today that there are concerns of the public regarding how the work on Ameenee Magu is being carried out. Muizzu said the people are suffering a lot because of the way the work is going on.

"I ask the government to listen to the Council. At least once," said Dr. Muizzu

The Planning Ministry awarded the project of paving Ameenee Magu with asphalt and developing it to modern standards to Road Development Corporation (RDC) in July, last year. Work on the road started in September.

The project includes the development of 1.79 kilometres of road. The company is carrying out the project by dividing the work into 13 segments.

The project for the modernization of Ameenee Magu was awarded to RDC for MVR 84.4 million.