Five opposition parties (Progressive Party of Maldives - PPM, Jumhooree Party – JP, Maldives Reform Movement – MRM, Maldives National Party – MNP and The Democrats - TD) have started working together to discipline the Election Commission of Maldives (EC), accusing it of breaking its own rules.

The announcement of the parties was made in a joint news conference held yesterday where representatives from all the above five participated.

Representatives in the news conference spoke on major issues related with the independent Election Commission, namely, the government’s continued undue influence over EC, delaying and stalling formation of political parties, interfering and obstructing in political activities and interfering in campaigns of presidential candidates.

PPM’s representative MP Ahmed Shiyam told reporters that EC is incapable in addressing the present government’s interferences in the political activities of his party. He also said that there could be questions on the impartiality of the presidential election ahead.

“People are worried. The government is exerting undue influence over the commission”, MP Shiyam who is also one of the Vice Presidents of PPM said.

MP Hassan Latheef – TD, said that surveys show public confidence in EC fading away. He also accused EC of obstructing in the processes of official formation of The Democrats.

"Polls showed 74 percent of the public was happy about the workings of EC in 2013. But the percentage fell to 50 last year according to a poll" , MP Hassan said.

JP’s parliamentarian Ali Hussain also spoke on the government’s interventions in the functioning of independent institutions in the news conference.
The representatives without giving details on how they will “put the EC on to its right course once again”, told reporters that they would continue their efforts in disciplining the independent institution.