Presidential Spokesperson Miuvan Mohammed has said that President Nasheed is spreading sedition in one way or another.

Miuvan said this is response to President Nasheed’s remarks that the party members should think about the health condition of President Ibrahim Mohammed Solih.

Speaking at the Democrats' House last night, President Nasheed said President Solih has to take a handful of medicine every morning. President Nasheed also made offensive remarks about President Solih's heart condition.

Responding to President Nasheed's remarks, spokesman Miuvan said President Nasheed made various excuses not to follow the winning candidate after losing the primary. He said he regretted to see the level to which President Nasheed has fallen in spreading propaganda against President Solih.

"One way, or another, its a round of spreading sedition. I regret that such a person fell to that level,” Miuvan said in his tweet (which is loosely translated).