Parliament member for the Nolhivaram constituency, Mohamed Nasheed Abdullah (Mosta).
Parliament member for the Nolhivaram constituency, Mohamed Nasheed Abdullah (Mosta).
A bill has been introduced to prevent Israelis from entering the Maldives.

Parliament member for the Nolhivaram constituency, Mohamed Nasheed Abdullah (Mosta) has introduced a bill to amend the Immigration Act to prevent people from entering the Maldives on Israeli passports. Mosta, who moved the bill, asked the public in all constituencies to ask their constituents to support the bill.

The bill seeks to add, in the immigration law's unauthorized persons clause, a number such as "persons entering the country on Israeli passports" after persons deemed to pose a detriment to the safety and security of the nation.

Mosta introduced the bill to take sanctions against Israel's inhuman acts and massacres that are killing many children and women. Mosta said the Maldives is a member of the Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC). He said that while other Arab countries are taking various measures against Israel, the Maldives can do the same.

In addition, a resolution calling for a ban on Israeli citizens entering the Maldives was moved by MDP MP Saud Hussain on the 14th of last month.

MPs have also protested banning Israeli passports. Following this, the Foreign Affairs Committee of Parliament has recommended to the President to ban Israeli passports.

Meanwhile, a demonstration against Israel will be held in front of the parliament building at 9:45 am and in front of the Foreign Ministry at 12:00 pm tomorrow.