The political landscape of the nation witnessed a seismic shift as the parties led by former Presidents Mohamed Nasheed and Yameen Abdul Gayoom faced a resounding defeat in the parliamentary elections held today. Despite fierce competition and fervent campaigning, both The Democrats, led by President Nasheed, and the Progressive Nationalist Party (PNF), led by President Yameen, failed to secure any seats, according to provisional results.

Among the notable losses were seasoned politicians Imthiaz Fahmy and Eva Abdullah, members of the Democrats, who have long been stalwarts of the Parliament and have held influential positions in parliament. Their inability to secure seats underscores the magnitude of the defeat suffered by President Nasheed's party.

The provisional results reveal a landslide victory for the ruling Progressive National Congress (PNC), which has clinched a commanding 71 seats so far. This significant win cements the PNC's dominance in the political arena.

The outcome of the parliamentary elections signals a clear shift in public sentiment and underscores the evolving political landscape.