Masha Midhath   16 July 2024 - 09:54 PM
Opposition MDP PG Leader and South Hithadhoo constituency MP Ibrahim Naazil has fully supported the Cyber Crime Prevention Bill.

Naazil noted that the Cyber Crimes Prevention Act, which came into force in 2015, needs to be amended to reflect current circumstances. He emphasized that laws must evolve with time and criticized the tendency to blame previous governments for existing issues. He added that it has been a while that the Attorney General's Office has been working on updates to the law as well.

Naazil highlighted the importance of the proposed amendments to the bill, stating that it would significantly enhance police efforts. He pointed out that the police often face challenges in obtaining information from banks and the NCIT due to limitations in the legal framework.

While supporting the bill, Naazil emphasized that further changes should be made during the committee stage with input from experts to ensure it serves the people's best interests.