In an exclusive interview with Sangu TV, President Mohamed Muizzu recounted his emotional response to a decision made by former President Abdulla Yameen regarding the China-Maldives Friendship Bridge.

Muizzu revealed that he was deeply moved and distressed when Yameen reportedly announced the reduction of a lane on the bridge.

Muizzu, who served as Housing Minister at the time, shared that he was emotionally affected by Yameen's announcement that the bridge would not be opened as planned. "I cried when Yameen said the bridge would not be opened and that the opening should be canceled," Muizzu said. He described the situation as particularly painful, given the significance of the bridge project for both nations.

During the interview, Muizzu explained that Yameen had initially approved the construction of at least one lane of the China-Maldives Friendship Bridge. However, Yameen later expressed dissatisfaction with the project's progress, even going so far as to yell and shout at him when a lane was reduced.

The current Speaker of Parliament, Abdul Raheem, had previously mentioned that Yameen was dissatisfied with Muizzu and attempted to remove him from his position as Housing Minister on three occasions. Raheem also indicated that Yameen had publicly criticized Muizzu for the reduction in the bridge’s lane, which further strained their relationship.

The bridge, an important infrastructure project symbolizing the partnership between the Maldives and China, faced various challenges during its development. President Muizzu’s emotional account highlights the complex dynamics and personal tensions that surrounded the project’s implementation.