Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Chairman Fayyaz Ismail
Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Chairman Fayyaz Ismail
Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Chairman Fayyaz Ismail has criticized the government’s entry into the taxi industry, calling it a significant loss for those who rely on the business for their income.

In a post on X, Fayyaz accused the government of misleading the public by claiming that private businesses would not be affected by the Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) operating an electric vehicle (EV) taxi service. He expressed concern that taxi drivers were not adequately consulted before launching the service and argued that the government should not be free to enter commercial markets at will.

Fayyaz further stated that the move reflects the administration’s lack of a clear economic vision and an inability to generate revenue through proper governance.

The government has awarded the contract to MTCC to operate the EV taxi service in an effort to improve urban transportation and promote sustainability. Speaking at the launch event, Transport Minister Mohamed Ameen said the service would reduce taxi wait times, particularly in Malé, and provide a reliable transport option for the public.