Masha Midhath   07 October 2020 - 12:26 AM
Kulhudhuffushi City
Kulhudhuffushi City
Including Kulhudhuffushi City, the northern 6 islands are under monitoring due to a positive case.

Islands under monitoring include, H.a Baarah, H.a Dhidhdhoo, H.a Hoarafushi, H.Dh Kulhudhuffushi, Hdh Kurinbi, and Sh. Funadhoo.
The islands were put into monitoring as a police officer who was from Hdh Kurinbi, got positive. He was working in Kulhudhuffushi Police station while he got tested to Covid-19.

The Police officer who got positive to Covid-19 have travelled to Hdh Kurinbi from Kulhudhuffushi, before he got results.

In the statement by the director general of public health, Ms. Maimoona announced the islands are under monitoring, confirming the due reason as further investigations related to Covid-19. This statement advises everyone to cooperate with government entities regarding the matter.

The islands have been under monitoring since Monday night and without the approval of HPA, traveling in and out of the islands are restricted.