Masha Midhath   10 October 2020 - 10:05 PM
R. Vaadhoo island
R. Vaadhoo island
Four people reported positive to Covid-19 from R. Vaadhoo island.

As per R. Vaadhoo Health centre, the four people who tested positive to Covid-19, were out of five test samples taken from the five people who had completed their home quarantine.

Two people above 18 years and two kids, including a 2 month old infant are observed as the positive cases reported from R. Vaadhoo. They all had travelled from Male’ and completed their home quarantine before they tested positive.

This is also the first case reported from R. Vaadhoo Island.

Meanwhile, Maldives has over 10,000 people reported positive to Covid-19 so far.