Ibrahim Naufal (Ibu)   13 November 2022 - 01:04 AM
Economic Minister Fayyaz Ismail
Economic Minister Fayyaz Ismail
Economic Minister Fayyaz Ismail has stated that the government has seen that after Male', the economy that can be developed the fastest is the economy of Addu City.

Speaking to local media, Fayyaz said that after Male', the next economy that can be developed the fastest is Addu City's economy, and therefore many projects are underway there.

Noting the different development projects in Addu City, Fayyaz said the road development work is continued in Addu. Although it is not being carried out at the most ideal speed for the people of Addu, it is something no former government had done, said Fayyaz.

In addition, speaking about the land reclamation project in Addu, Fayyaz said that early next year the people would be able to see it in action.

The Minister said that work to convert the Gan Airport Terminal building into a truly international airport by tendering to a private contractor is in the process. Fayyaz predicted that this project, with an allocated budget, would be handed to a contractor early next year.

Fayyaz also stated that the government would share great news about the tourism of Addu City very soon.

Fayyaz also accused the former government of taking the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under various ministries to continue projects and doing things however they pleased. He stressed that the current government would not behave like that. He added that when projects are continued under the principles of democracy and justice, there would be certain obstacles and slowdowns.