The Circle by Ugail Foundation has opened its pre-registration for their upcoming program, “Leaders of Tomorrow 2023”.

The leaders of Tomorrow program is an exclusive learning program and a personal initiative by Professor Ugail. This is an intense as well as task and project-driven program. The program will be delivered by Professor Ugail along with professional tutors from the UK. This program assists in developing leadership abilities and learning leadership skills at an early age.

Sharing their experience, previously enrolled participants have described the program as a life-changing experience.

“This program has been a life-changing experience for me. This program is shaping me more and more into a leader every day,” said Ali Aahil Mausoom.

“This program is one of the best programs I ever joined. One of the biggest things I have changed after joining the program is confidence. Now I am not that nervous as before,” said Mohamed Aryn Arif.

Through the Leaders of Tomorrow program, the participant will learn how to; succeed and how to become a leader in the chosen field, gain the necessary subject knowledge, think clearly and critically, and become aware of how the world around us works and how it shapes over time. In addition, the participants will also learn how to communicate clearly and effectively, do networking for success, and always present in the best form, even in the most challenging situations.

The application process for this program involves pre-registration followed by an interview. The Circle aims to enroll around 40 participants for the Leaders of Tomorrow program planned for the year 2023.

The program is targeted at those aged 13 - 15 years.