Ibrahim Naufal (Ibu)   19 April 2023 - 12:29 AM
Former President Al Ustaz Maumoon Abdul Gayoom has stated that the way some religious scholars in the country preach causes people to dislike Islam.

The former President said this while speaking at a special Ramadan function organized by his foundation last night, named "The Holiest Month". Speaking at the event, Maumoon said that some of the statements made by those who speak in the name of religion are creating hatred among the people.

Maumoon said some religious scholars are speaking as if even small things in Islam are great sins and saying that if you do it you will go to hell. He said such talks by the scholars would create opposing opinions and hatred towards the religion in the hearts of ordinary people.

"For example, saying that removing a hair from a woman's body is a great sin that should not be done. Such little things like that. I do not know where they get these from. Such talks create opposing opinions and hatred towards Islam in the hearts of people. Because such little things are made into great sins. That's not how we should do it," said Maumoon.

In addition, Maumoon said the noble principles of religious scholars should be followed when preaching. As such, he said the task of the scholars should be to explain to the people the ease of Islam and the prosperity, divine mercy, and satisfaction it brings.

Allah says in the Quran, verse 89 of the 16th surah, "We have sent the Book (the Quran) down to you to explain everything, and for guidance and mercy, and as good news for Muslims." And in the 159th verse of the third surah, "It is by mercy from Allah that you were gentle with them. And had you been harsh, hard-hearted, they would have dispersed from around you. So pardon them and ask forgiveness for them." And in the 185th verse of the second surah, "Allah wills for you ease, and He does not will difficulty for you."

"I don't think those who explain the rules of Islam should do this by taking the little things in the religion and saying that this is a great sin and that if you do this you will go to hell," said Al Ustaz Maumoon, who received his religious education from Al-Azhar University in Egypt and is one of Maldives' most eminent religious scholars.