The Ministry of Islamic Affairs has announced that six million MVR has been spent from Zakat Fund on medical purpose this year so far.

The Zakat Fund spends on the poor and needy who apply for medical assistance. According to the Ministry, more than 40 forms are submitted daily for medical assistance.

Speaking to a local media, Islamic Ministry's Fund Manager Abdullah Ali said a special committee would oversee the medical treatment requests. According to him, in 2019, 1,400 people was assisted, in 2021, 1,700 people and in 2022, 3,000 people was assisted from Zakat fund.

So far this year, more than Rs 6 million has been provided to 1,500 people, said Abdullah Ali.

Zakat is paid to deserving individuals or groups who fall into one or more of eight categories designated in Islam. These include the poor, meaning low-income or indigent, the needy, meaning someone who is in difficulty, Zakat administrators, those whose hearts are to be reconciled, meaning new Muslims and friends of the Muslim community, those in bondage (slaves and captives), the debt-ridden, in the cause of God and the wayfarer, meaning those who are stranded or traveling with few resources.