The Secretariat of the People’s Majlis, Maldivian Parliament, has said that a no-confidence motion filed at the legislative body against Speaker Mohamed Nasheed will move forward as per relevant laws.

In a tweet on Thursday the Secretariat said “the Secretariat has received documents requesting to move a no-confidence motion against the Speaker President Mohamed Nasheed. This motion will take its course on the floor according to the Constitution and Parliamentary Procedures”.

With the backing of fifty-four MPs, ruling MDP filed a no-confidence motion against Former President and the Speaker of the People’s Majlis Mohamed Nasheed to eject him from the top legislative job on Wednesday.

MDP’s parliamentary group, PG group, filed the motion at the Majlis on Wednesday with fifty-four signatures of MPs who want to see Nasheed take his seat elsewhere in the chamber.

MDP’s PG Group decided to remove Nasheed from the Speaker’s chair as his followers in the parliament; mainly former MDP MPs, have unanimously supported a no-confidence motion against Attorney General Ibrahim Riffath.

Moreover, the PG group accuses Nasheed of his contribution in delaying debate on the motion against AG Riffath breaching parliamentary procedures. Since the start of the debate on the motion against Riffath in the Majlis, the Speaker has not been able to maintain order in the House for three consecutive days.

According to practiced parliamentary procedure, at least a fourth of all the sitting MPs must back a motion to be officially accepted by the Majlis for debate. Presently the number required is twenty-two.

Meanwhile, a no-confidence motion against Deputy Speaker Eva Abdullah is also sitting there in the parliament.

Debate on her no-confidence motion scheduled for June 11, is now delayed according to the Secretariat of the Majlis due to recent changes in the representations of political parties in the Majlis. These changes require that the Majlis revise the time allocation rule (clause 108 of parliamentary procedures) for debates.

In another development to the story, the Spokesperson at the President’s Office, Miuvan Mohamed has said on Thursday that President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih backs the no-confidence motion against Speaker Nasheed. He also said that MDP’s parliamentary group works closely with President Solih taking his advice.

“The President is always with the majority of the parliamentary Group. Things move ahead with proper consultations” , Miuvan said in a news conference held yesterday at the President’s Office.

Parliamentary procedures require a simple majority – present and voting in the House, if the Speaker or the Deputy Speaker is to be removed from their privileged positions.

The Speaker of the House is arguably the second most powerful person in the country.