Moosa Ali (Haasaa)   10 July 2023 - 01:40 PM
Former President Abdulla Yameen. Photo: PO
Former President Abdulla Yameen. Photo: PO
Fuwad Thowfeek, Chairman of the Elections Commission of Maldives (EC), advises the main opposition coalition which is composed of the Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) and the People’s National Congress (PNC) to first free former President Abdulla Yameen from prison and then present his papers for approval of his candidacy for the presidential election.

Chairman Fuwad told a local media outlet that papers of President Yameen to contest in the election to be held on 9th September cannot be accepted while he is serving an eleven-year prison sentence.

However, Fuwad said that if President Yameen is freed from prison during the 14-day period allowed for presenting names of interested presidential candidates, the EC will approve his candidacy the next day. The 14-day period will commence on July 23.

PPM has threatened to take EC to the Supreme Court if Yameen’s candidacy is not approved. In response to this Fuwad said that “the option for taking EC to the court is available for the opposition whether EC declines or approves Yameen’s candidacy”.

“If the Supreme Court tells us to change our present decision on accepting Yameen’s candidacy, we will act upon the court’s order”, said Fuwad.

The Criminal Court sent President Yameen to jail on 25 December 2022 after finding him guilty of accepting money in the leasing of Aarah in Vaavu Atoll - a state-owned island, and subsequently laundering the funds he received from the corruption.

As Yameen’s appeal against the eleven-year sentence is being presently heard by the High Court, the leadership of the opposition PPM-PNC coalition expects that the court will set him free before the 14-day period where presidential candidates can express their interest at EC expires.

In a separate case in 2019, Yameen was sentenced to prison for five years and asked to pay a fine of US dollars five million. This sentence was overturned by the Supreme Court in 2021 setting President Yameen free.

Also, there is an ongoing case against President Yameen at the Criminal Court for accepting money from leasing state-owned Fuggiri island in Raa Atoll.