Minister of Communication, Technology and Science, Mohamed Maleeh Jamal.
Minister of Communication, Technology and Science, Mohamed Maleeh Jamal.
A no-confidence motion against Minister of Communication Science and Technology, Mohamed Maleeh Jamaal has been submitted to the Parliament majority holder Maldivian Democratic Party’s (MDP) parliamentary group.

A no-confidence motion with 10 signatures against Minister Maleeh was submitted by the Parliament Member for Galolhu Dhekunu, Mr. Mickail Naseem. The letter of no-confidence motion request reads that Minister Maleeh has not prepared any guidelines for the communication authority, required under the telecommunication law within the two years in office. Adding that this has caused disadvantages to provide proper services for the people, as these guidelines will regulate the telecom industry.

The statement concluded requesting to dismiss Minister Maleeh from his designation as it is proven that he has not supported the work of the Ministry staff and political appointees at the Ministry as well.

Meanwhile, speaking in a TV program, Minister Maleeh said that the parliament cannot decide on the policy of the government and was not the responsibility of the parliament, adding that the parliament members are lawmakers and their purpose is to make law. Minister Maleeh also said that as lawmakers parliament members should not try to run the government, but it seems that some parliament members think that they are the ones running the government.

His statement has enraged MDP parliament members and caused a lot of public backlashes. The Minister's statement has caused heated debates between him and MDP parliament members on social media.