Masha Midhath   31 October 2023 - 09:55 PM
If the no-confidence motion is not moved against Speaker Mohamed Nasheed, President-elect Dr. Muizzu's oath will not be accepted legally, says MDP Parliament Members.

At a press conference in the Parliament today, MP Mohamed Aslam said the rules of the House state that no work of the House can be done until a decision is taken on the no-confidence motion against the Speaker.

Therefore, the oath taken by Dr. Mohamed Muizzu will not be considered legal.

However, MP Aslam said the MDP parliamentary group has no intention of disrupting the swearing-in ceremony of the President-elect.

Aslam today said that if the notice of no confidence in the Speaker of the Parliament is not held, the Cabinet of the President-elect will not be approved as well.

The 14-day notice of the no-confidence motion signed by 49 MDP MPs has expired. The parliamentary administration has been working to hold the session since Sunday. However, the meeting is yet to be held.