Masha Midhath   03 November 2023 - 01:44 AM
The no-confidence motion against the Speaker of the House of Representatives has been scheduled for next week Sunday.

The resolution, signed by 49 MPs, said the Speaker was putting his interests first in scheduling issues. The motion also stated that President Nasheed is running the Parliament illegally.

The Parliament has now announced that the case will be heard on Sunday, the 5th of this month. The agenda of the meeting has now been made public as well.

According to the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament, the Vice-Speaker of Parliament shall preside over the impeachment session. However, with the Vice-Speaker of Parliament being absent from Parliament sittings, the no-confidence motion against President Nasheed has been delayed despite the expiry of the notice of impeachment resolution.

Therefore, this week went by without a decision on the case.

Following the delay in the no-confidence motion, the MDP has filed in the Supreme Court to declare that the adjournment of the Parliament is in violation of Article 8 of the Constitution and to order the Parliament to proceed with the no-confidence motion against the Speaker by the Constitution and the Rules of Procedure. The MDP also asked the Supreme Court to declare that no further work of the Parliament can be done until the resolution is completed.