The G7 nations have affirmed their solidarity with Ukraine and announced plans for fresh sanctions against Russia following a virtual summit held on the second anniversary of Moscow's invasion. Following the meeting, in which Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky also participated, a joint statement was issued by the leaders, committing to escalating the consequences of Russia's aggression towards Ukraine.

Although the G7 leaders did not publicly declare any immediate military assistance to Ukraine, they advocated for the approval of additional financial aid to cover Ukraine's remaining budget shortfall for 2024. Emphasizing their stance, the group, comprised of the United States, Japan, Germany, France, Britain, Italy, and Canada, reiterated their determination to heighten the costs associated with Russia's actions, aiming to undermine its financial resources and disrupt its military capabilities.

In addition to addressing the situation in Ukraine, the G7 leaders called upon Iran to cease its support for Russia's military endeavors. Moreover, they expressed apprehension regarding the transfer of weapon components, military gear, and materials with dual-use capabilities from Chinese enterprises to Moscow.