Vice President Hussain Mohamed Latheef declared that the prestige of the National Quran Competition is set to soar under the leadership of President Dr Mohamed Muizzu. He made this announcement during the inaugural ceremony of the 36th National Quran Competition.

Addressing attendees at the ceremony, Vice President Latheef underscored the significance of the National Quran Competition, labeling it as the most esteemed competition dedicated to the Holy Quran in the Maldives. He affirmed the Government's commitment to enhancing the competition's stature with each passing year.

"One of President Dr Mohamed Muizzu's primary objectives is to cultivate a nation rooted in Islamic values," the Vice President stated. He highlighted the increased focus on Islamic affairs over the past seven months, pointing out that the Government has actively provided opportunities for young children and Quran students to refine their Quran recitation skills and engage in prayers within mosques. Additionally, there is a concerted effort to broaden Quran teaching classes and extend further support and incentives to children who undertake the memorization of the Quran.

In his speech, Vice President Latheef urged the public to perceive Quran recitation not merely as preparation for a competition but as a profound act of worship. He encouraged everyone to allocate time each day for reciting portions of the Quran, stressing the importance of proper recitation and a deep understanding of its meanings.

The Vice President’s remarks resonated with the attendees, reinforcing the Government’s dedication to nurturing Islamic values and education in the Maldives. The inaugural ceremony marked a significant moment in the continued effort to elevate the National Quran Competition, reflecting the administration's broader vision of fostering a society grounded in spiritual and moral values.

As the 36th National Quran Competition commences, participants and organizers alike are poised to witness the competition’s growth and increased prominence under President Dr Mohamed Muizzu’s guidance, promising a brighter future for Quranic scholarship and practice in the Maldives.