Immigration Controller Mohamed Shamman has announced that foreigners caught conducting business without proper authorization will face deportation. This decisive action follows a recent special operation targeting local markets and various commercial areas in the city, during which police apprehended 50 foreigners.

These individuals have since been handed over to Immigration authorities. Confirming the arrests on social media platform X, Controller Shamman detailed that a significant number of those detained were identified as operating businesses without valid permits and beyond their authorized activities.

"These individuals will be deported from the Maldives in accordance with the regulations," Shamman stated. He reaffirmed the Government's commitment to addressing the issue of illegal foreign workers, aligning with President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu's pledge to tackle the problem. "I assure everyone that Immigration will fulfill its full responsibility," Shamman added.

The operation and subsequent deportations are part of a broader governmental effort to curb the prevalence of unauthorized business activities by foreigners. There have been longstanding complaints about foreigners managing various shops and markets in the city, often leading to significant amounts of money being sent abroad.

By enforcing these measures, the Government aims to regulate business operations more strictly and ensure that foreign nationals comply with Maldivian laws and regulations. The crackdown is expected to deter unauthorized commercial activities and contribute to a more orderly and lawful economic environment in the Maldives.