A photograph of King Ali's grave from the 1950s
A photograph of King Ali's grave from the 1950s
(This is a series of articles, translated from the 'Dhivehi Thaareekh' book compiled by a committee appointed by Sultan Muhammad Imaduddin VI in 1902 AD / 1320 AH to write the history of the Maldives in Dhivehi language.)

In the year 965 AH, Sultan Ali Siree Adha Siyaaka Kaththiri Bavana Mahaaradhun, son of the Prime Minister Abdul Rahman, ascended to the throne of the Maldives. His brief reign lasted only two months and 15 days. During this period, he was martyred in a battle against the Faranjees (European non-Muslims, specifically the Portuguese established in Goa).

The main reason for the battle between King Ali and the Portuguese was that King Hassan, who had gone to Goa previously and converted to Christianity, attempted to convert his bodun (elders) and ministers in Male' to that religion as well. For this purpose, he sent a Portuguese ship to Male' to take them to Goa. The ship arrived at Male' harbor and claimed that King Hassan had requested the bodun and ministers of Male' to go to Cochin. However, after discussing the matter, the bodun of Male' agreed not to leave Islam and not to go to Goa.

Afterwards, the Maldivians fought against the Portuguese, who came to the Maldives. In this battle, the Maldivians defeated the Portuguese, overpowered their group, and seized their weapons and goods. The main leaders of this battle were King Abu Bakuru and King Ali. This battle took place before these two ascended to the throne. At that time, King Hassan, who had gone to Goa, was in Cochin.

After that, Cochin sent three Christian battleships against Male' for the second time. In this battle too, the Christians were defeated, and the people of Male' seized the three ships and the goods and weapons on them. After this incident, Cochin again sent three ships loaded with armed Christian forces. The leader of this force was a captain called "An'dhiri An'dhirin." This force arrived at the port of Male' two and a half months into King Ali's reign.

As dawn approached, the people from the Portuguese ships disembarked on the western shore of Male' with guns and weapons. Upon receiving this news, King Ali set out with his army to fight them. The king, holding a sword and shield, stood at the forefront of the army and advanced. However, when he reached the Eid Mosque and looked back, he saw that everyone except the Prime Minister and one of the servants had fled.

Then, the king, along with the two noblemen, went forth to face the enemies. The three of them, armed with swords and shields, attacked the foes. Seeing the bravery and courage of these three, the infidels, afraid to approach, began firing their guns. At that moment, a bullet struck the body of King Ali, and he was martyred. The other two noblemen with the king were also martyred. After this, the infidels invaded the island and usurped the kingdom.

Later, when a group of Muslims came to the shore, they found the king and the two noblemen who had fought alongside him martyred. Afterwards, the islanders buried the three of them at the place where they were martyred. They surrounded the grave with coral stones, building it like a strong wall. The seawater flows around this wall. Even to this day, kings continue to visit this grave.

After that, the Muslims sought protection from the non-Muslims who had invaded Male'. At that time, the non-Muslims overpowered the Muslims, and their leader, An'dhiri An'dhirin, sat on the throne of the Maldives and sent their rulers to different parts of the Maldives. The date when King Ali was martyred and An'dhiri An'dhirin usurped power was the 1st of Sha'ban 965 AH. (This corresponds to May 19, 1558 AD in the Gregorian calendar.)