The World Health Organization country office for the Maldives (WHO) has provided Maldives with financial support worth 1 million euros from the European Union (EU).

The support will focus on improving the management of Covid-19 cases through the provision of medicines, supplies, and reagents to Hulhumale Isolation facility and regional ICU facility and includes support to green medical waste management in selected facilities. Additionally, capacity building of critical care, case management, and rapid response teams of the Hulhumale Isolation Facility, regional hospitals will be supported. A regional ICU facility will also be established with this support.

During the ceremony, Ambassador of the Delegation of the European Union to Sri Lanka and the Maldives H.E. Denis Chaibi said, “The funding for the Maldives is another element of the EU’s global response to the coronavirus pandemic. The EU partnership with the WHO and the Government of the Maldives will not just address the impact on the health sector but also pay special attention to vulnerable populations, working hand-in-hand with local communities.”

“The support from the EU has been very timely and efficient.” stated Dr. Shushil Dev Pant, Acting WHO Representative to the Maldives, “WHO is optimistic that the support we have brought to the Maldives will help strengthen the Health System in the country and help current pandemic response as well as health care in future.”

“WHO as a partner has been working very closely with us. Success in controlling the spread of Covid-19 in the Maldives is mainly due to the assistance of WHO as well as partners such as the EU and neighboring countries,” said Minister of Health Ahmed Naseem, welcoming the EU contribution to the Maldives via WHO.

The ceremony held on thid Tuesday, to launch the EU-WHO project to support Covid-19 response of the Maldives, was joined by the Ambassador of the Delegation of the European Union to Sri Lanka and the Maldives H.E. Denis Chaibi, Dr. Shushil Dev Pant, Acting WHO Representative to the Maldives and the Minister for Health, Ahmed Naseem.