Kalaafaanu Ziyaaraiy in Hangnaameedhoo
Kalaafaanu Ziyaaraiy in Hangnaameedhoo
(This is a series of articles, rewritten and translated from the 'Dhivehi Thaareekh' book compiled by a committee appointed by Sultan Muhammad Imaduddin VI in 1902 AD / 1320 AH to write the history of the Maldives in Dhivehi language.)

King Mohamed of Utheem (Al-Ghazi Mohamed Bodu Thakurufaanu) passed away on the first day of Ramadan in the year 993 Hijri. This corresponds to August 27, 1585 in the Gregorian calendar. This king reigned for a period of 12 years and 6 months. On the day of his passing, as per the king's decree, allegiance was pledged to the king's son, Ibrahim Kalaafaanu. And Ibrahim Kalaafaanu ascended to the throne of the Maldives.

Sultan Ibrahim ibn Sultan Mohamed (Al-Ghazi Mohamed Thakurufaanu Al-A'zam)'s Dhivehi title was Siri Sandha Suvarudha Loaka Mahaa Radhun. This king was a majestic, wise, just, and knowledgeable ruler. He acquired his knowledge from Abu Bakuru Fan'diyaaru Kaleygefaanu.

This king was known for his love for religious scholars, encouragement of learning, support for the knowledgeable, frequent consultation with them on various matters, attention to the hardships and difficulties of his subjects, and ruling with justice.

After 24 years, pirate ships from Malabar arrived in the Maldives. When the monarch learned of this, he summoned all of his ministers, nobles, and the Chief Justice, Mohamed Fan'diyaaru Kaleygefaanu of Foandhoo, Haddummathi, to discuss whether or not to go to war. During this consultation, Mohamed Fan'diyaaru Kaleygefaanu issued a fatwa stating that escaping would be better than fighting.

Then the king quickly boarded a large ship and sailed south. When the enemy who had come to the Maldives learned of this, they intercepted the king's ship at sea. At this point, a naval battle began between the two sides. However, at that moment, many people on the king's ship jumped into the sea, swam, and reached a nearby uninhabited island. The king and Jamal Kaloa, who was with him, fought against the enemies and were martyred.

Then the enemies boarded the king's ship, took the goods and weapons that were on it, and left the ship. The ship drifted and eventually washed up on Hangnaameedhoo island in Ari Atoll. When the inhabitants of that island saw the ship, they boarded it and found the martyred bodies of the king and Jamal Kaloa. Then they took the bodies of the two men and buried them near the mosque of that island.

The enemies who assassinated the king landed in Malé. After plundering the royal palace and injuring members of the royal family, they left for Cannanore with Prince Kalhu Thukkalaa. Kalhu Thukkalaa was the son of Amina Mavaa Kilage, who was the daughter of Mariyam Kan'baadhi Kilage, the daughter of Ali Khatheeb Thakurufaanu, Bodu Thakurufaanu's older brother. Prince Kalhu Thukkalaa's father's name was Umar Maafahaiy Kilage. When Prince Kalhu Thukkalaa was taken to Cannanore, Ali Raja imprisoned him for some time. When he was finally released, he came back to Male'.

Kalaafaanu was martyred on Wednesday, the 28th of Shawwal, 1017 Hijri. This corresponds to February 4, 1609 CE. After that, Sultan Hussain (Hussain Famladhaeri Kilagefaanu), son of Olhiginaa Kilage of Madifurhi Island, ascended to the throne of the Maldives.

Following Kalaafaanu's death, Mohamed Fan'diyaaru Kaleygefaanu of Fonadhoo, the Chief Justice, resigned from his position and went to his home island. Bodu Fan'diyaaru Thakurufaanu, the son of Hassan Naaib Thakurufaanu of Meedhoo Island in Addu Atoll, was then brought in and named Chief Justice.

Sultan Hussein married Kalaafaanu's widow, Kan'baa Aisha Rani Kilagefaanu. Sultan Hussein had three sons and a daughter as a result of his marriage.

Sultan Hussein was a compassionate and just ruler to his people. After reigning for 11 years and 5 months, he passed away in Guraidhoo, Malé Atoll in the year 1029 Hijri (1620 AD).