Masha Midhath   27 September 2020 - 06:27 PM
S. Hithadhoo
S. Hithadhoo
To prevent further spreading of covid-19, a guideline for travelling from one island to another gets published. This guideline clearly describes who will be quarantined and where they should be quarantined.

As per the new guidelines, anyone travelling to islands from a resort, anyone travelling to a resort from Male’, anyone travelling from islands with guest houses, anyone travelling from urban development site islands to other islands, will have to be quarantined.

Quarantine period lasts 14 days, and a test sample will be taken at the end of the quarantine period. Guideline further elaborates on the measures taken if any of the test samples taken is positive.

As per the new guidelines, it is strictly prohibited to go out of the home if you are in quarantine. The new guideline strictly prohibits anyone entering and exiting from homes, where a person is quarantined.

The guideline further details on home quarantines and how to be quarantined.