Masha Midhath   08 July 2021 - 12:53 AM
Vice President Faisal Naseem has, on Wednesday, held extensive discussions with the Social Ethics Committee on a wide range of topics encompassing social ethics and values in the Maldives' communities.

Discussions during the meeting focussed chiefly on programmes aimed at school children and their guardians, sharing approaches to instil lasting moral values and good discipline in the younger generations. Vice President Faisal Naseem reiterated the importance of conducting programmes targeted at instructing children on social ethics from within the educational framework as well as outside.

Speaking during the meeting, the Vice President stated that the Maldives' communities must come together to sustain ethical values and bolster the social fabric. He further stated that President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih had also underlined the importance of all government agencies collaborating to nurture positive social growth and to buttress communal ethics and integrity.