Masha Midhath   03 September 2021 - 01:30 AM
President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has this afternoon met with the Councillors of Kendhikulhudhoo Island of South Miladhunmadulu Atoll. Discussions at the meeting focussed on developmental projects on the island and the concerns of its residents, with the Councillors expressing their gratitude for the current administration's close attention to local developmental projects at Kendhikulhudhoo Island.

At the meeting, Councillors shared concerns in various matters of interest, including issues related to the harbor, stressing the need for a harbor expansion. They noted a lack of healthcare resources, such as the need for a local hospital and sea ambulance service. Councillors further delineated major urban elements such as road development, water and sewerage facilities, and education infrastructure and resources, especially a spacious school bus and the progress of the Junior College project. They further highlighted preserving and maintaining eco-rich areas such as wetlands, upgrading banking services, and increasing housing projects for the island's socio-economic development.

Speaking at the meeting, the President noted the authority granted to the island council and their capacity to perform multiple developmental projects on the island. He affirmed that his administration would work with relevant stakeholders to address the concerns raised by the Councillors.

Completed developmental projects on the island by the current administration include the installation of a hybrid power system with solar, construction of 2 classrooms and a multipurpose hall at the school, and development of a football field. Projects in the pipeline for the island include water and sewerage facilities, a slipway, upgrading waste management, extension of the local health center, the establishment of a Geydhoshu Mas Plant, construction of the new powerhouse, and the construction of boundary wall FENAKA Corporation's Kendhikulhudhoo office.

In addition to President Solih, the meeting was attended by the Secretary of Policy at the President's Office, Ahmed Hamdhan, and Member of Parliament for the Kendhikulhudhoo Constituency, Ahmed Easa.