Masha Midhath   13 February 2022 - 02:27 AM
Burial service held for a Covid-19 related death.
Burial service held for a Covid-19 related death.
The total number of Covid-19 fatalities has risen to 288 in the Maldives.

As per the Health Protection Authority's (HPA) information, the 288th Covid death is a 72-year-old Maldivian man. He passed away while he was admitted for treatment at Hulhumale’ Medical Facility.

He passed away at 02:14 pm today. This also marks the 11th death in the month of February so far.

The Maldives reported the first death to Covid-19 on April 29, 2020.

Along with the surge in the number of cases, the number of people admitted to medical facilities has been raising as well. Currently, there are over 40 people admitted to hospitals for further treatment due to Covid-19 complications.