Speaker of the Parliament Mohamed Nasheed
Speaker of the Parliament Mohamed Nasheed
Speaker of the Parliament Mohamed Nasheed raises concerns over seeing the flag of the extremist terrorist group IS, from the ‘India Out’ social media campaign against Indian Military officers in Maldives.

He raised his concerns through twitter and called the Maldivians to be vigilant about it.

Nasheed previously described the India out campaign as encouraging Maldives to become separate against other countries, which will be taken advantage of by the terrorist groups like IS. He also has said that the India out campaign was led by the extremist groups in the Maldives, to ensure that Maldives does not build any relationship with any other countries.

Nasheed has also said that he supported the plan of Maldives joining the safety surveillance activities for the Indian Ocean, conducted jointly by America, Japan, Australia and India. He further added that Maldivians do not have any concerns of Indian Military present in Maldives.

Meanwhile the state has not disclosed any information on Maldives joining the safety surveillance activities for the Indian Ocean, conducted jointly by America, Japan, Australia and India.