Masha Midhath   12 October 2020 - 07:51 PM
(Right to Left) Abdulla Bin Mohamed Ibrahim, Minister of Economics Fayyaz Ismail, Sheikh Ali Zaid and Former Senior Judge, Ahmed Hailam.
(Right to Left) Abdulla Bin Mohamed Ibrahim, Minister of Economics Fayyaz Ismail, Sheikh Ali Zaid and Former Senior Judge, Ahmed Hailam.
Minister of Economics under fire for declaring that India could kill us and capture Maldives.

While answering public questions at the radio show ‘Ahaashey Bunaanan’ by Dhivehi Raajjeyge Adu on Saturday, the Minister said that if wanted to, India has the powers to kill all the Maldivian people and capture Maldives, but the Indian government does not have any objective to tackle the independence of the Maldives.

Minister Fayyaz also accused the former President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom’s administration of enabling the cold war in the Indian Ocean by accepting China’s influence and casting India aside.

Fayyaz further said that no country can survive on its own, whether its highly developed America, Russia, or China.

In regards to the statement by Minister Fayyaz, he is under fire with criticism raised for his statement and policies of the government.

President of the Jamiyyath Salaf, Abdulla Bin Mohamed Ibrahim, also raised his concerns about the Ministers statement “India could kill us and capture Maldives” and said that it is something a foreign non-muslim will not say even, while described it as a very cheap statement from a Minister.

Tweeting his concerns, Vice President of the opposition PNC party, Adam Shareef said that a foreign country cannot capture Maldives and declaring that India could kill us and capture Maldives shows that the state policies for the safety and security of the Maldivians are questionable.

Sheikh Ali Zaid also described the Minister's statement as a very cheap statement from a Minister and it is unacceptable to say as such by a leadership of a governance.

Former Senior Judge at the Criminal Court, Ahmed Hailam also raised his concerns towards the Minister's statement and said that even if somebody needs, no one can kill someone, and India will not be able to capture Maldives.

Meanwhile, criticism is raised in social media for the statement by Minister Fayyaz.

An 'India Out' campaign has also been ongoing through concerns raised over the start of Indian military officers working in the country, operating the Dornier flights and helicopters gifted from India.