Masha Midhath   14 October 2020 - 12:08 AM
Alhan Fahumy
Alhan Fahumy
An incident has been reported to the Police, accusing Alhan and one other person of threatening and harassing a journalist from Dhiyares.

Addressing to which on a Facebook post, Alhan denies any such incident, rather he said that he was harassed while he was driving his cycle, two people wearing masks approached him and started harassing him. As per him, this incident took place around 8:40 pm on Monday.

Alhan also accused a journalist of Dhiyares involved with the two people who harassed him.

Further detailing Alhan said that the two people continued to harass him and raise their voice against him, even when he entered the Rehendi housing flats in Ameenee Magu. Alhan said that the incident was reported to Police right away.

Meanwhile, the statement shared by the reporter from Dhiyares is different from what Alhan has described the incident. As per the Dhiyares reporter, he was harassed by Alhan and one other person with him in the cycle.