Masha Midhath   19 October 2020 - 10:08 PM
Chairman of Cyryx College, Mr. Ahmed Shareef  and former President, Dr. Waheed
Chairman of Cyryx College, Mr. Ahmed Shareef and former President, Dr. Waheed
Chairman of Cyryx College, Mr. Ahmed Shareef accuses former Indian Foreign Secretary, Mr. Ranjan Mathai, of putting pressure on the former President, Dr. Waheed to resign from the presidency.

Mr. Shareef said this in regards to Dr. Waheed's stating that he was asked to resign from the presidency from a foreign diplomat on a televised event. Dr. Waheed said this while speaking to the opposition coalition in celebration of the National day.

Further detailing Mr. Shareef said that Dr. Waheed shared the details back when the incident occurred, and it was none other than the Indian Foreign Secretary, Mr. Ranjan Mathai, who had pressured Dr. Waheed to resign from the presidency.

Mr. Shareef also said that when Dr. Waheed did not resign, the state was immediately asked to pay back the 50 million USD taken from State Bank of India. Former Defence Minister, Mohamed Nazim, and Former Tourism Minister Ahmed Adeeb took lead and paid immediately to the State Bank of India. The payment proceeded from the financial reserve of the Maldives Monetary Authority.

Meanwhile, speaking at the opposition coalition meeting in celebration of the National day, former President, Dr. Waheed has highlighted his time at the presidency of the Maldives, which he described as a time where he experienced a lot of pressure locally and internationally.