Vice President of the opposition party, PNC, Adam Shareef
Vice President of the opposition party, PNC, Adam Shareef
Vice President of the opposition party, PNC, Adam Shareef raised his concerns over the Prosecutor General (PG) office refusal to press charges upon the investigation of the Anti Corruption Committee (ACC).

During the press conference held by the opposition parties PNC and PPM Coalition, on Tuesday night, Mr. Adam Shareef accuses of hiding the people who were involved in the corruption and fraud involved in ventilators procurement in response to the Covid-19 following the PG office decision to deny the press charges against the Health Ministry officials.

Speaking at the press conference, Adam Shareef criticized the state for describing the state as against corruption and failing to press charges against the corruption under a state ministry. He further accused the silence of President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih as a sign of failing to stop the corruption run under his state administration.

Adam Shareef also questioned why the Finance Minister was not under investigation while it was the Finance Minister who approved and released money to proceed with the ventilators procurement.

He further raised concerns on the state ministers who were continuing their designations and payroll while a huge corruption charge accusation is on their heads.

He continued to call the state administration a failure for not pressing charges against the people for fraud and corruption involved in connection with the ventilators procurement.

As per the investigation of Anti Corruption Commission (ACC), the Health Ministry has paid 90 percent of the total payment, to the Dubai company as an advance, without obtaining an advance guarantee or a performance guarantee and upon investigation, the ACC has requested the Prosecutor General (PG) Office to press charges for 11 people on the corruption and fraud in connection with the 75 ventilators procured, against the financial law and procedures.

However, the Prosecutor General, Hussain Shameem has announced the decision to decline to press charges against the Health Ministry, earlier this Tuesday, due to lack of evidence.