Masha Midhath   24 November 2022 - 01:19 AM
Rozeyna Adam MP for Addu Meedhu constituency
Rozeyna Adam MP for Addu Meedhu constituency
The upcoming 2023 state budget may not give hope to those who want a parliamentary system of government, says Rozeyna Adam MP for Addu Meedhu constituency, in criticism of former President Nasheed.

Meanwhile, the debate has been ongoing between the House of Representatives over the government’s proposed budget and verbal attacks between the two factions within the MDP have also increased dramatically.

The pro-government members interpret the statements made by President Nasheed's faction as making fun of the government and making it difficult to run the budget. Similarly, members of President Nasheed's faction are saying that the government is not providing the best information needed for the budget.

One of the most vocal opponents of the government is the Speaker of Parliament, Mohamed Nasheed.

In connection with President Nasheed’s criticism of the budget, Rozeyna said today that the proposed budget is a promising budget for students, people in need of housing, businessmen, farmers, fishermen, and women. She further added that the budget may not give hope to those who want to govern in a parliamentary system.

President Nasheed has been well known for advocating to change the system of government to a parliamentary system.